Our Mission: Encourage, Train & Develop
The church in Ethiopia has grown exponentially in recent years. However there are significant challenges to the work. Literacy is about 50% meaning many people cannot read the Bible for themselves. The country has a deficient infrastructure that makes outreach difficult and access to materials limited. There are more than 90 languages so translation is often complex. Despite these factors there are many gifted people who are eager to share the gospel and do the work.
Our mission is to equip them for the future. On our preaching trips we have 3 clear goals: 1) encourage the brethren, 2) train preachers and 3) develop young people to lead and teach. We often gather over 100 preachers together at a time for bible studies and training sessions. These men will carry their learning back into their communities. Also, there is arising a generation that is more educated and capable of teaching and producing biblical material. We are making focused efforts to ground these men and women and develop them for work in the gospel. Our hope is that these efforts will establish the church according to biblical patterns and encourage those who will lead it into the future.

Help Us Give them Bibles
Bibles can only be purchased in the captiol city of Addis. This means most people in the country do not have access a bible unless we bring it to them. Every trip we buy several hundred bibles to distribute, but this only scratches the surface.
Our goal is to make bibles available to as many people as possible. We plan to establish a plan and the logistics of having a regular delivery of bibles into the villages. But to do so we need your support. If you would like to financially support this work, email ddlee3809@gmail.com and I will contact you with more information.