There are so many things I enjoy about this work. But today is one to which I have been looking forward since I got here. Instead of our usual trips to the countryside, we are staying put for 3 days. During that time preachers and selected young people will come to us for “training” i.e., bible study. Randy is teaching preachers and Ryan and I will teach the young people. Today there were probably 100 preachers and 50 young people. Of all the things we had planned on this trip, this was the one thing Ryan and I requested. Although we are slightly older than most of them, we see them as our peers. These are the people we will be working with in the future, if the Lord wills. These people are full of energy and eager to learn and grow in their faith.
There was nothing unique about what we did today. We sang some songs, prayed and studied God’s word. We talked about having the mind of Christ and living the gospel in our lives. But the spirit in the room was evident. There was a seriousness about what we were doing, and a love for one another because we love God. Our format was such that we had lots of interaction. They asked questions and we would respond. We would ask questions and they would respond. They were hungry to learn and to hear God’s word. After each session, there was always conversation. There was nothing special about our program or our teaching, but the message of the gospel affected all of us today. My soul is energized although I’m quite tired at the moment. I simply don’t have the words to adequately describe the joy in my heart. But I am thankful to my God for this inexpressible gift today. I’ve very much looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.
After our studies today, about 6 young people came to our hotel for coffee. We talked about the future and how we can work together to increase the Lord’s kingdom in this place. The desire to honor God and serve the Lord’s church gives me hope. The church has suffered many things throughout the years. One of the biggest issues has been young people leaving the Lord. They are drawn by the world, by entertainment, and by something that suits their needs. Many are simply not interested in knowing Jesus. But these young people are. Not only that, they desire to see their peers know and walk with Jesus. These people understand the gospel. It is about seeking, saving and serving. It is not about what I am getting but what I am doing. It’s about seeing the power of God in your life and being a vessel for his glory. It’s about introducing people to Jesus and letting God do his work in their hearts. Their desire for his glory is evident in both their passion and humility.
I have often prayed for confirmation from the Lord that this is a work I should be doing. It’s days like this I see God’s affirmation of my role in this work. I believe I am called to be here, and am determined to serve the kingdom with my brethren here. My talents have proven to be a blessing and our work is mutually beneficial. We are servants, planting and watering, trusting that God will give the increase. The challenges are great, but God continues to raise up his people in every generation.
I lay my head on my pillow tonight with a tired body and a happy heart. God is good.