Today was much like yesterday, but we hit our stride much quicker. We arrived around 9:30 and jumped right into bible study. Ryan taught in the morning, and I taught in the afternoon. Ryan and I have complementary teaching styles that work well in this environment. He does a great job of walking through the text and asking great questions. He directs the class well and even lets me chime in from time to time.
In his sessions we covered most of Philippians. Much of our conversations have centered upon developing the mind of Christ and having humility towards God and others. In my afternoon session today, we had an open discussion. It started off with feedback from what the students had learned and evolved into Q&A. It was completely off-script but just what we needed. It allowed us to hear the hearts of these young men, address their frustrations and questions, and give bible answers to help them.
Like I said yesterday, we didn’t do anything special. But I think that shows the gospel is powerful. On my part, I made a special effort to keep my teaching simple and drive one single point: remember the gospel. As Paul said to the Corinthians, “I decided to know nothing among you except Christ and him crucified.” I don’t mean that to say we didn’t talk about other subjects. But in everything we discussed, we brought it back to Jesus.
I fear we sometimes lose the message of the gospel as we get into the weeds of doctrine and issues. The gospel is not ensuring that I conform to all the right spiritual practices. The gospel is not being able to distinguish between this group and that group. The gospel is the good news from God that he has worked on our behalf. We were hopeless in this world and unable to know God. But by grace he has reached out to us. He has revealed the way to be right with him through his son Jesus. He has called us to be with him despite our sins, failures and weaknesses. The gospel is that Jesus died for the sins of the world, and was raised from the dead by the power of God never to die again. The gospel meets us where we are and calls us to where we should be.
We must respond to the gospel and be faithful (Colossians 1.21-23), but first we must understand God’s grace through Jesus. The gospel is a message of hope and reconciliation. It is a call to be changed by the word of God into a new person. It is a message of life and purpose. Any doctrine or issue must be viewed through the lens of the gospel. God has acted for my good and I would be foolish not to respond. The power to overcome sin and find purpose is not within ourselves. It is supplied when we trust in God and walk by obedience. Our way doesn’t work, but his does. Putting the gospel first makes us more humble and thankful. It forces us to see ourselves clearly while also coming to know the goodness and grace of God.
I apologize my blog has often deviated into exhortation. What can I say… I’m a preacher. But more than that, I am deeply moved by the power of the gospel. It has changed me more and more, for good, as I have come to believe it and live it. As I have shared this message this week, I can see it changing them as well. Like the scriptures say, it is the power of God, and its effect is unparallel to anything we could ever imagine.
After our session, we went outside and took pictures. I gave one of them my phone to take group pictures; but as I’ve learned, this is not their forte. There’s no “1, 2, 3… smile!” … no “everybody look here!” In fact, most of the time pictures are crooked and people are cut off. Also, while we were taking a group photo, many of them were trying to take selfies with us on their phone. It was utter chaos, and I had no idea where to look. But as they say, chigir yelem (chigger-yellum)(no problem).
We stopped at a local coffee shop for macchiatos with several young people before heading to the hotel. Again, I am exhausted from a long day of teaching. I was so tired, I skipped dinner to rest. But as I sit in my room, I am full in my spirit. God has supplied my needs, both physical and spiritual. He knows what I need and with that I can be content.