Today was my last day in Ethiopia. Ryan and Randy met us at the Hilton around 9am and we rode together to Kotebe. Zerihun has worked with this church for some time. The program this morning was primarily preachers with a few others scattered in. All four of us taught with some discussion after each lesson. During breaks we ate dabo (bread) and kolo (grain mix) and had coffee.
After the program I said goodbye to Zerihun. He expressed his love and gratitude for my efforts. He told me Ethiopia made me more handsome and Kelsey could thank him later. Like many others, he was thankful I followed in David’s footsteps to continue this work.
I had already checked out of my hotel, so we all went back to the Best Western where Randy and Ryan are staying. I took a shower and made final preparations for my trip home. Then Ryan and I went downstairs for macchiatos one more time. We reflected on our work and talked about future plans. Tomorrow they will leave for the Hawassa region for more countryside work. It feels weird talking to him about next week knowing I won’t be there. I love the people and this work, but I am ready to be home. As David reminded me, goodbyes can be emotional, but I have some important hellos waiting for me back home. I can’t wait.
Mesfin came by and we continued our reflections on the last two weeks. He gave us feedback on our work and lots of encouragement. He is already looking forward to our trip next year. There were many doors opened that have encouraged him and will benefit the work in Ethiopia. I walked Mesfin outside and we said our goodbyes. I am sad to go, but these moments haven’t been as hard as I thought they would be. We did what we came to do, and I am confident in men like Mesfin to keep the work going. I pray God continues to bless him and the many others who will continue the daily task of preaching the gospel.
I had arranged for the hotel shuttle to take me to the airport at 7:30pm. Ryan, Randy and Jordan pushed dinner back so they could spend time with me before that. I am beyond grateful for the commitment and work of these men. Their heart for the work and the people is evident. It occurred to me that although we’re all from different parts of Texas, we have clear purpose and unity of spirit in this work. As I look to the future of this work, I am excited and encouraged.
As I write this, I am in Doha, Qatar waiting for my next flight home. I will not document the rest of my journey from here. I pray this journal has blessed you and encouraged you in your faith. God is at work in this world for good. His kingdom continues to grow as people in every nation and generation come to know and walk with Jesus. No matter where you are in this world, the gospel is the same. Jesus Christ died for our sins and was raised by the power of God to give us life and hope. I hope your heart has been touched to know and follow him more.
Until next year, if the Lord wills.